Go Green and Refill your Ink Cartridges
Don't throw away your old ink cartridges - refill them. Save money and the planet too. Our high-spec state-of-the-art machine not only refills your cartridges but reconditions them at the same time, prelonging their life and ensuring consistent quality. We refill them with high quality ink, identical to the original manufacturers specifications while you wait. Refills are available for the following brands:
Transfer to DVD or CD
We have specialised in the preservation of family memories since 1999. We are dedicated to reproducing your precious memories to the highest standard possible for your future generations to enjoy. We are aware of the responsibility entrusted to us and take this responsibility seriously.
Cine film, cam-corder, VHS, Betamax, slides, photos, negatives – any media in any format can be converted.